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When it Comes to Ending Wars, Mediators Do it Better Than Cheerleaders

It’s very difficult to end a war in peace by picking a side.

5 min readNov 22, 2023


Whenever there is a war going on, it’s easy to get caught up on a side. If you pick a side, you want one side to win. You want the other side to lose. You celebrate when the war is over but only if your side wins. If your side wins, you care nothing about the loser…loser…loser. Is this humanity?

I’ve never really done that. I don’t know enough about the wars I’ve known about to pick a side. I don’t cheerlead for one side or the other, because I have noticed the failed and twisted logic of war. And every war is preventable.

Some people say that defending oneself is not an escalation. But we should wonder if reasonable people go to war. Do they? I don’t think so.

Unreasonable people (ex, Karens) tend to escalate. Reasonable people understand the cost of escalation. Reasonable people understand the uncertainties of escalation. Reasonable people are proactive and avoid situations that lead to escalation.

War is evidence of a deficit of the proactive skills required to avoid conflict at every scale. War assumes that we can simply destroy the other side and we’ll be happy, or at least better off if we had done nothing. The…

