The One-Way Filibuster

Huh. If we kill the filibuster, only progressive liberal laws will be repealed. Neat.

5 min readApr 20, 2021

I can recall the warnings of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell about the filibuster. I remember how dire they were. He seems absolutely sure that if Democrats abolished the filibuster, which is *unconstitutional* anyway, that millions would suffer at the hands of Republican lawmakers once they get a majority in both houses of Congress again. Did I say that? I did. I think McConnell was warning against wild swings in public policy.

If we listen to the institutionalists, they will tell us that without the filibuster, the country will endure wild policy swings, creating uncertainty for businesses and for people who depend upon a stable law to plan their affairs. The fear we’re supposed to hold dear to our brains is that without the filibuster, a new law will be passed with popular support, only to be repealed two years later with the next Congress. The GOP with its majority in Congress will use its majority power to wipe out liberal bills. Then two years later, a Democrat Congress repeals the GOP laws. I’ve had people, tell me the same thing in comments to my articles. How awful that would be!

It’s like they think that with the filibuster, our nation would be more stable. Look around, folks. Have you enjoyed the news lately? I think we’re on track to set a new record for mass shootings this year. You can thank the filibuster for that. How about police shootings? They’re still…

