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Senator Mike Lee was Elected in a Tea Party Wave — Now He’s “Mr. Establishment”

Evan McMullin is a lot closer to winning than the “champion of term limits” Senator would like.

5 min readAug 9, 2022


I am relieved to see that one of the biggest shills for Big Business, has a worthy challenger on his hands. I don’t like Mike Lee. I will admit that he has had a tiny few ideas that I’ve liked. But he’s a member of the Party of No. He’s famous for his “no” votes. And he’s voted for all three of Trump’s nominees for the Supreme Court. And I’m glad he’s got a challenger that’s making him sweat.

That challenger is Evan McMullin. So far, I’m not pleased that our best shot at unseating Mr. Tea Party is a former CIA employee. But I have to admit that I like the way he’s expressed some progressive sentiments. I really love how Senator Lee’s ad pops up at me when I search for McMullin’s platform:

Yeah, I bet there’s zero communication between Mike Lee and his little political action committee. But back to McMullin’s platform. Here’s what I found:

