Reframing The Ideologies Of This Election

One side believes in Original Sin, that people are basically bad. The other side is focused on skills and capacities. This is why I’m a liberal.

7 min readOct 20, 2020

Election day is just a few weeks away. I see the messaging and I see that it’s becoming more and more urgent. Both sides say that the other side will destroy this country. Trump says that Biden is a socialist and that he will make the country more socialist. Biden seems to just be saying that he will bring the country together. I don’t see him talking much, but I know he’s out there, campaigning in one way or another. I would prefer someone other than either of them to vote for, but this is what we got.

As I look upon the messaging of both parties, I see one side fixated on motivating people to work. That’s the GOP. They think that people are ready to work or they wouldn’t be fighting so hard against a new stimulus plan. It’s been months since the last one was passed and yes, the economy keeps moving, but a lot of people are suffering.

The impression I have, listening to the GOP in Congress is that if we had worked harder, and saved our money, then we’d have weathered the pandemic just fine. I also see Republicans who insist that the pandemic is in some way, not as bad as liberals make this out to be. I live in a Red State with Republican super-majorities in both houses. They are taking this pandemic very, very seriously. So I know it’s not all…

