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If You Want More Billionaires, Vote For Trump In 2024

Vote progressive to reduce the number of billionaires in America.

5 min readOct 15, 2021


Millions of Americans just got another $250 or $300 per month per child, in the form of a child tax credit. It came for me and my two kids two days ago. It’s a really nice cushion against calamity, or to send my kids to gymnastics. For most parents, it’s more money for school supplies, clothing, or some extracurricular activity. And for millions more, that extra money puts dinner on the table. For them, it’s the difference between eating and not eating.

I realize that the expanded child tax credit is a boon for parents in America. For 6 months this year, we’re running a basic income experiment for people who take care of kids. I’m a believer in basic income. I think we need a basic income program. I’m a fan of the work of Scott Santens, by far, the most visible advocate of basic income. As much as I like the concept, there is still something that bugs me about the idea.

A basic income program doesn’t address the way the economy is rigged. I have come to the conclusion that if the market were actually fair about the distribution of income, it is not likely that we would need the child tax credit. We might only need a very small welfare state to support those who really can’t support themselves.

