If Privatizing Social Security Is So Great, Why Don’t They Teach Financial Literacy In Our Schools?

Farming Americans for money is all the rage with the top 0.01%.

4 min readOct 25, 2017

I see that there are still some people in Congress who think the world of privatizing Social Security. They seem to believe that Social Security will eventually run out of money and that it is not a very efficient means of securing retirement income for Americans. To them, privatizing Social Security would be great, by they’re not very honest about who it would be great for.

Long ago, I read the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, by Robert Kyosaki, a man on a mission to teach financial literacy to the world, for a fee. Reading that book gave me some enthusiasm for starting my own business. It really did give me hope. Although I never started my own business and kept it going, I’ve tried a few things only to fall back on employment again and again. I guess it was just too scary for me. I’ve taken notice that for most of us, business is just something we leave for others more qualified.

Who are those “other people” who are more qualified? The takeaway I got from Kyosaki’s book, was that rich dads teach their kids business and poor dads teach their kids to get good grades and get a job. Rich dads teach their kids investment and business skills and send their kids to the right schools to learn those skills. Poor dads never learned those skills, so they may not even know they exist.

