How To Build An Awareness Of Eating Habits

9 min readApr 29, 2019
Stephreyn85 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

I don’t watch TV. Well, I don’t watch commercial TV unless I need to check the local weather for the news. I avoid commercial TV because I see food commercials. Pizza. Crackers. Chips. Restaurants with appealing meals with giant portions. Oh, and the soda pop. I have kids and I don’t want them to see how the commercials glorify eating, as if without consequence.

Everything we do has consequences, and what we eat and when is the big one. Eating is about self-preservation to be sure, but in this country at least, it’s far more. Eating is recreation in pie eating contests. Where we eat is about status in the fancy restaurants. Eating is about satisfaction. We even give human attributes to hot dogs, fruit, candy, and cereal. Isn’t that a sign of mental illness? You know, to convince people to eat food that is advertised with human attributes?

Who knew anyone could be so happy eating a Twinkie, Froot Loops, french fries or a massive meal at the Olive Garden? Who knew that a giant Slurpee could bring so much joy in life? Who knew that all of this could come back to haunt us?

According to the CDC:

