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How The Malware Guys Unwittingly Taught Us A Lesson About Humanity

Survival is a mutually beneficial activity.

5 min readSep 25, 2024


Every once in a while, a malware story catches my eye. Ars Technica gives us the gory details about malware that infected 11 million devices across the Android space. The Register in the UK also covered the story, here.

What is significant about that story is not the technical prowess of the Malware authors. What is significant is the size of the deficit of their problem solving capacity.

The Necro malware scheme involved software development kits that were used by coders. These kits make coding easier in the programming languages that are used by developers make it possible for you to read this article on a device like a phone, a computer or a tablet. In that story, malware writers seized upon the software development kits as the vector for their attack.

All malware is about money, not humanity.

I am a believer in doing the right thing. I feel better while and after doing the right thing than doing the wrong thing. I believe that doing the right thing is more efficient than doing the wrong thing. I also believe that it takes more effort to do the wrong thing than the right thing. I behave in a way that bring sleep more easily to me at night.

