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How Can We Not Blame The West For The War In Ukraine?

Narrow your vision. Whataboutism. Russian Propaganda. Efficiency.

5 min readApr 16, 2022


Some people are just not satisfied with the CNN narrative of the Ukraine War. Maybe they don’t trust the media. Maybe they can remember the yellowcake that was used to justify the second Iraq War. Maybe they’re willing to at least perform some introspection about America’s role in the war. I have to wonder how we can say we’re not involved when we’re sending $1.5 billion worth of weapons to Ukraine. I wonder what it is exactly, that we are defending.

I think we’re defending inefficiency. I think we’re defending codependency.

I’ve noticed a new term of art, “whataboutism”. I see it being used to discount critics of Western governments that are either directly or indirectly aiding Ukraine in their war with Russia. It’s true that Russia started the war. It’s not true that Russia started the war in a vacuum. They’re responding to something or someone.

They’re responding to us.

In the discourse on the war that I’ve seen so far, a certain dynamic can be observed. Unless you’re talking about doing everything humanly possible to save Ukraine, you’re a Russian sympathizer. You’re a Putin tool. You’re not thinking for yourself. You’re repeating Russian…

