For Now, Trump Is King Of The Hill

How an unchecked exercise of power and trolling leads to untenable positions.

6 min readMay 16, 2020

I think I finally have a clear picture of how Trump and his supporters see themselves. They understand that their power is temporary, so they’re going to do as much as they can while they can. They’re installing right-wing conservative judges in the federal courts as fast as they can. They got two supreme court judges in one term, and they’re waiting with bated breath for Ruth Bader Ginsberg to “expire”. Mitch McConnell in a bath of hypocrisy says that if there is a vacancy, “we’ll fill it.”

The Trump administration rolled back regulations intended to preserve the environment, and then Trump himself talks about how that will free up the economy. So we’re trading the environment for money now? Money has no value if you have no place to live without pollution. Try breathing money.

When they roll back financial regulations, fire an inspector general, or when they defy a subpoena from Congress, here is the message I get from them: “absolute immunity”. No oversight from the other branches of government, understand? No checks and balances. No adult supervision.

I have also learned that prior to the pandemic, the Trump Administration had removed the agency responsible for planning for a pandemic like it was never going to happen. They did not stockpile supplies or equipment for that eventuality. When the pandemic hit our shores, Trump acted like the…

