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Democrats Could Win More Elections If They Would Just Admit the Economy is Rigged

There is no reason to lie about how the economy is structured unless one benefits from the lie.

5 min readNov 13, 2022


I’m a fan of the work of economist Dean Baker. He is one of the few economists who will speak truth to power. He is one of six economists who predicted the collapse of the housing bubble in 2008. He told everyone and anyone who would listen what was coming, but not very many people listened. He understood how the economy is structured.

I became a fan of his work when I saw him in a panel discussing the Great Bailout provided to the banks in the wake of the collapse of the housing bubble in 2008. I can almost remember exactly what he said on or about September 30th, 2008 (the video has long since been removed):

“They’re treating us like children! They’re telling us that if we don’t give them $800 billion, they’re going to put a gun to their head and pull the trigger! I wouldn’t have a problem with that.”

Mr. Baker is presently a visiting professor of economics at the University of Utah. Baker. He is a very progressive economist who advocates for making our markets more progressive. He teaches economics in a college that is hosted by a Red State. He could preach to the choir if…

