Corruption Is A Trade Of Dignity For Money — All For Lack Of Interpersonal Skills

Money doesn’t corrupt people. People choose to engage in corruption for money.

10 min readNov 18, 2019

In the time that I have spent listening to and reading the words of gun rights activists, I have learned one clear and overarching message: guns don’t kill people, people kill people, and I agree with them. Guns may provide a ready release for the temptation of one person to kill another, but left alone, a gun does nothing. It still takes a human being to load it, point it and shoot it.

So, not too long ago — mere days in social media time, someone suggested that money corrupts people. On this point again, I happen to disagree. Money itself does not corrupt people. If you believe that, then you believe that guns kill people, too. In the same way that people choose to use a gun to kill another person, people choose to engage in corrupt activities for money, often because they believe they have no better choice. So, why do people allow themselves to be corrupted for money?

Notice the language above. I replaced “by money” with “for money”. People allow themselves to be corrupted in exchange for something else. In the process of corruption of character, there is a give and take, an exchange of dignity for power. Just ask Golem. “Wraiths! Wraiths on wings! They are calling for it. They are calling for the precious.

