Photo by Candice Seplow on Unsplash

At the Bottom of All of My Politics is a Wish for Peace and Happiness

And today, I’m sick as a dog.

4 min readSep 29, 2022


Across the decades, I have watched people who have pursued personal and public quests for power from afar. I’ve seen how people get when they have power. They always want more. It never makes them happy. It never goes the way they wanted. People won’t always do what we want them to, even if we think we have the power to tell them, just what to do.

People can just change their minds.

I’ve met a few people with power. I’ve been in their houses. I’ve been to their parties. No matter how well they dress, or how much bling they wear, they’re still human. They can’t hide their frailties, their desires, or their regrets. Under the paint, the doorjambs still show their scars.

I used to admire Johnny Depp. In some ways I still do. But after reading about his surreal fight in court, with Amber Heard defecating on the bed and him abusing her, I could see a man who could have anything — anything! — he wanted, but he could not make the decision to be happy. We know because it’s a matter of public record now.

I look back on all of the stars who died so young—Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, Kurt Kobain, John Belushi, to name a few. I admired them for their fire, and how they turned their power…

