An Election Built On Lies

Both sides are lying to each other.

5 min readAug 18, 2020

I am surprised that a fair fraction of Trump supporters are so embarrassed about their preference that they’re unwilling to clearly state their preference in the polls. Of course, this is well within their rights to be silent or not give their honest opinion. But this is the “silent majority” that Trump speaks of. They’re not answering the phone or the polls, and when they do respond, they may even say, “Biden” just to throw off the polling. If the reports I’ve seen are true, a lot of Democrats are in for a rude awakening in November.

It’s not just Trump supporters though. The young people are notoriously hard to capture for a poll. The Millennials have a reputation for not answering the calls for a poll. And no, you can’t blame it on “no home phone”. Cell phones are everywhere. I don't remember the last time I left a message on an answering machine. Everyone I know has a cell phone.

The Millennials make up 83 million Americans and they are a powerful force to reckon with. They are also fearfully liberal as demonstrated by the GOP’s laser focus on packing the courts while Trump is in office. Four more years of Trump will yield a theocracy like Iran, but in America, and put a throttle on all those Millennials.

A personal pet peeve of mine is that Biden insists on a public option for the health care part of the platform. Biden insists on the public option despite polling that shows the overwhelming popularity of Medicare For All



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